
Speaking at DotNetFriday about Dapr Workflow

TLDR: Download the slides | GitHub repo with workflow demos

DotNet Friday speaking

Eduard Keilhotlz invited me to talk at a DotnetFriday event many months ago, but there were always clashes with my agenda. Last Friday it finally happened, I went to the 4DotNet office in Nieuwegein and gave a talk about orchestrating your business logic with Dapr workflow.

When I arrived there I was welcomed with a cake, since earlier that week it was my birthday! 🎂 Thank you so much for this lovely surprise!

DotNet Friday cake

I finally met with Kenny Baas-Schwegler again, who gave a session after me, together with Bruno Boucard, about refactoring towards deeper insights using Domain-Driven Design. This was a great example of DDD in practise with live coding.

Thanks everyone for attending this event and asking great questions about Dapr workflow. My slides can be downloaded here. The demo apps can be found in this GitHub repo. If you want to learn more about Dapr or have questions about the project, please join the Dapr Discord.

DotNet Friday close-up