Stop adding business value and become an artist with your IT skills
TLDR: Download the slides | The Coding Train YouTube channel
I recently got an invite to do an ignite talk at DevOpsDays Eindhoven. I never heard about the format, but it’s a 5 minute long presentation with 20 slides that auto advance. I never tried this before but, at times, I like to go out of my comfort zone, so I said yes 😬.
The topic I chose is one I love best: creative coding. I named named the session “Stop adding business value and become and artist with your IT skills”.
I was quite nervous giving this talk but I also had a lot of fun! Thanks everyone for attending my session!
My slides can be downloaded here. A good starting point for learning P5js is The Coding Train on YouTube. There is also an awesome list on GitHub with links to many more creative coding resources to keep you busy for months!